About Me

My name is Bess, and I have hair for days! See above pic if you don’t believe me…
I live in the mountains, dislike cooking, am a fervent journaler, and will give up just about anything to head to a coffee shop or living room for some one-on-one time with anyone I love.
I also care for two super adorable tiny humans, my wee babes. See photo for adorable baby hands!
I am a mother, book-lover, and a gatherer of inspirational things. I started this blog and YouTube series because sharing is one of my strengths and something I enjoy doing. It gives me the greatest pleasure to connect people with information, books, resources, people, and ideas. I hope that you will share with me in return. I post weekly videos and blog posts about motherhood, theology, meal planning, food allergy resources, books, and so much more. I am ever full of wonder for this amazing universe that is just a mere reflection of its Creator.